Rehitnama, Bhai Daya Singh Never eat meat killed in the muslim style. SHARE GYAAN WITH THE SANGAT This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact reference and content in either Gurmukhi or English. Puraatan...
‘The Guru adorned one bedstead and upon it’s neighbor he placed a multitude of weaponry. Among it were bows, swords and other implements of conflict. All this was being wafted with incense. Upon arriving Kapura witnessed the canopy covering this scene and...
REHITNAMEH Over the last century the Khalsa Panth has seen a worrying and Growing trend of various Jathai, Babai, Scholars and organisations taking Gurbani and quoting it out of context without due responsibiltiy, in order to justify their Vaishnu beliefs. In...
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