Prem Sumarag

What kinds of meat can be eaten? The best is wild boar (bairah), the rhinoceros (gainda), various kinds of deer (mrig), goat (bakara), sheep (chhattara) and hare (kharagoz). What kinds of bird may be eaten? The best is crane (kulang), then goose (gaz),...

Hukamnama, Guru Gobind Singh (1699)

To the entire sangat at Kabul. The Guru will protect the Sangat, I am pleased with you all. You should take baptism by the sword, from the Five Beloveds. Keep your hair uncut for this is a seal of the Guru. Accept the use of shorts and a sword. Always wear IRON KARA...

Mukhtinama, Suraj Praakash

The Preparation and consumption of food Repeat the Guru’s name and recite Japji before taking food. Eat with a Sikh of the Guru, Share your food. Never eat another’s leavings. If you leave an unfinished meal, do not return to it. Do not eat with your hair hanging...

Rehitnama Bhai Daya Singh

The Preparation of Consumption of Food In your earthen cooking-square cook over a wood fire, not a dung one. Wash your hands and feet and sit in a clean place to eat. Always wear a kachh when eating. Do not eat with your kes uncovered. Neither consume  too much grain...

Prem Sumarg Granth

In the aforementioned situation, the person [who is away from his own area] should regard all available grains as legitimate. The fastidious who say that you should not eat any particular grain are wrong. All grains are pure. Only the eater can be impure. In his...

Prem Sumarg Granth

Where is it prescribed, what one should eat, and why? All food and drink is pure. Why? Food has always been available and each person eats it without considering the source. Thus we are informed that however it may have been obtained it should be regarded as pure and...

Prem Sumarg Granth

Whatever is healthy/suitable for the human body, that should be consumed. Meat and fish can also be considered in this category. That which is killed / hunted by a weapon, is considered as eatable. If anybody is unable to hunt then he should eat JHATKA. SHARE GYAAN...

Rehitnama, Bhai Desa Singh

Never consume fish, meat or alcohol. The flesh of a goat may be eaten provided the goat is killed with a single blow well away from a langar, but all other meat is forbidden. SHARE GYAAN WITH THE SANGAT This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your...

Naveen Panth Prakaash, Giani Giaan Singh Nirmala

Always partake in hunting, practice killing deer and then eat your hunt. SHARE GYAAN WITH THE SANGAT This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact reference and content in either Gurmukhi or English. Puraatan...

Rehitnama, Bhai Chaupa Singh

Those who have received either khande ki pahul or charan ki pahul cannot eat Muslim meat (kutha), domestic pig or donkey. SHARE GYAAN WITH THE SANGAT This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact reference and...

Tanakhah-nama, Bhai Nand Lal Ji

Eat no more than necessary to satisfy your hunger. A Gursikh is strictly forbidden to eat meat killed according to the muslim rites. SHARE GYAAN WITH THE SANGAT This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact...

Mukhtinama (Sau Sakhi), Kavi Santokh Singh

Do not salute a Turk. Avoid meat cooked by the Turks. SHARE GYAAN WITH THE SANGAT This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact reference and content in either Gurmukhi or English. Puraatan ithihaas, puraatan...

Akaal Takht Rehit Maryada, SPGC

In Section 6 of Akaal Takht Rehit Maryada, it is written as, Ceremony of Baptism or Initiation Article XXIV Sub-section p: The undermentioned four transgressions (tabooed practices) must be avoided – Dishonouring the hair – Eating the meat of an animal...


This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact reference and content in either Gurmukhi or English. Puraatan ithihaas, puraatan rehit or Gurbaani is foundational. But if you have any other useful and relevant references we will certainly consider it.

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