The Akhbar-i-A (Lahore), dated 19th January 1914, publishes a contribution from Bhai Avtar Singh who says that the practice of killing animals by jhatka is as old as the hills that the flesh of an animal slaughtered by the Muhammadan practice of halal has always been regarded as opposed to the ancient Hindu customs, habits and religion.
Moreover, the unjustifiable attempts of Muhammadan butchers to deceive Hindus by selling them beef led Hindus and Sikhs to demand freedom in the sale of jhatka meat.

This being the case, there is no reason why Muhammadans should feel offended by jhatka, especially as Hindus and Sikhs do not persuade them to use jhatka meat. As a matter of fact, Hindus and Sikhs do not desire that Muhammadans should not act in conformity with their religious injunction on the subject, but this does not show Muhammadans, in spite of the fact that they themselves resort to an objectionable method of slaughter, should protest against the practice of jhatka, which is followed by all warlike people.

The unjustifiable interference in the matter by vegetarians also is opposed to statesmanship, and anything opposed to statesmanship, be it remembered, is sin.

Commenting on this, the paper asks the writer to refer to passages in the Vedas and the Granth which prove that the use of jhatka is lawful.


This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact reference and content in either Gurmukhi or English. Puraatan ithihaas, puraatan rehit or Gurbaani is foundational. But if you have any other useful and relevant references we will certainly consider it.

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