Our original ithihaas has been subdued, tampered with and questioned, whilst simultaneously being replaced with updated vaisnu, ahimsa and abrahamic rooted concepts into our once clearly defined Panth.
Gurbaani is now regularly and selectively quoted out of context in order to propogate personal and biased beliefs. In particular, on the topic of Maas. For those of us who have been blessed with a traditional Khalsa education, we know that this issue was ‘comprehensively’ dissolved by the Maha-Shaheed, Bhai Manni Singh Ji, when the Bandai Khalsa tried to change the Tat-Khalsa traditions introduced by Guru Gobind Singh and started promoting vegetarianism as Gurmat.
This site will provide educated, traditional and REFERENCED responses to commonly known misinterpretations of bani, rehit and ithihaas with respect to the many original practices of the Khalsa such as Jhatka, Shikaar, Shastr Bidya, Sukha, Charcha and others.
A mountain of ‘authenticated’ examples will be used to give evidence of the correct understanding and practice of our original traditions.
With Dasmesh Pita’s apaar kirpa, we will bring to light these forgotten Khalsa traditions as well as those which have been consciously modified. We do ardaas that Khalsa education leads to Khalsa revolution; and the Panth will once again become strong, courageous, intelligent, strategic, skilled, spiritual and UNITED.
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿਕੂੜੁਨਭਾਵਈਸਚਿਰਤੇਸਚਭਾਇ ॥
The Gurmukhs do not like falsehood. They are imbued with Truth; they love only Truth.
Sri Adi Granth


ਝੂਠਾਕਹਝੂਠਾਹਮਕੈਹੈ। ਜੋਸਭਲੋਗਮਨੈਕੁਰਰੈਹੈ।
ਹਮਕਾਹੂਕੀਕਾਨਿਨਰਾਖੈ। ਸਤਿਬਚਨਮੁਖਊਪਰਭਾਖੈ।
False, I will declare as False. That which all people believe in and practice.
I do not owe a debt to anyone. True words will come from my mouth.
Sri Dasam Granth
This is a truly panthic effort, we would be honoured to add your findings here. Please provide the exact reference and content in either Gurmukhi or English. Puraatan ithihaas, puraatan rehit or Gurbaani is foundational. But if you have any other useful and relevant references we will certainly consider it.